Marina Chiche – First editions / Radio France
October 2021
Rediscovering 30 exceptional musicians and women
Format: 7.56 x 0.79 x 9.09 inches, hardcover, illustrated
A partnership with France Musique
If the names of Maria Callas, Jacqueline du Pré, and Clara Schumann are familiar to us, who today knows those those of Hazel Harrison, Antonia Brico or Nejiko Suwa? Behind these names, however, are exceptional performers whom the history of music has forgotten, like many others, because they were women. With her book “Legendary women musicians”, Marina Chiche wishes to restore them to the pantheon of music history.
Some were non-conformists, suffragettes, pioneers, committed feminists. Some of them had to break through glass ceilings to gain access to higher education, others had to persevere to be hired as soloists or to enter symphonic orchestras that were previously exclusively male. It is precisely this infinite diversity of profiles and backgrounds that needs to be represented in our collective imagination.
Through the context of classical music, this book is a way to approach contemporary gender and diversity issues and to offer new narratives. In an age of female empowerment and in the post #MeToo era, it is time to celebrate these inspirational women musicians of the past and to let people know what they were capable of.
In The Media (French)
“La violoniste Marina Chiche rend hommage à ses sœurs d’âme oubliées… et retrace, dans son ouvrage, le parcours de ces femmes artistes sciemment ou inconsciemment effacées de la mémoire artistique et collective.”
“C’est un livre magnifique. Un exercice de justice autant que d’admiration. Exactement le genre d’ouvrage qu’on aurait aimé avoir lu pour répondre à tous ceux qui prétendent que les femmes compositrices n’existent pas.”
Le Monde, 16/12/2021 – Florence Noiville
“Un beau livre à tous les sens du terme”
“D’une plume à la fois allègre et solidement documentée, elle nous raconte… les parcours escarpés de musiciennes exceptionnelles, dont beaucoup ont bravé leur époque avant de s’imposer et que l’histoire de la musique a oubliées…”
“L’oubli est virtuosement bien réparé !”
Le Canard Enchaîné, 09/12/2021
“À travers ces portraits très bien documentés et rendus vivants par les nombreuses
anecdotes et épisodes qu’ils recèlent grâce au talent d’écriture de Marina Chiche, c’est un
double hymne à la femme et à la musique que constitue cet ouvrage passionnant”
Nice Matin, 19/04/2022 – Philippe Depetris