
Tallinn Music Academy

Tere kõigile!

After an exciting start of the season with Bach solo recital and french music at Musée d’Orsay, now – heading to Estonia! I am going to give masterclasses at the Music Academy in Tallinn and play a concert on Wed 26th of October with a team of wonderful and talented estonian colleagues. On the programme, Biber Passacaglia for violin solo and Schubert out-of-this-world Cello quintet. Estonia has been on my map since I was a kid as one of my teachers came from there and kept giving me postcards of Tallinn. About eight years ago I have been invited to play Beethoven Concerto in Pärnu – which was a very special time. It absolutely felt like home. And since a few years I have had an even stronger sense of connection there as I have been going to the most exciting festival led by Paavo Järvi in Pärnu. So…can’t wait! Infos here